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Network Leaderboard: Single Country

Challenge Amount Raised: (EUR)
1 Le Rugby Moustachu 70.627 €
2 Les Villes Moustaches 5.516 €
3 Défi French Tech 3.158 €
4 Paris 2.648 €
5 Nantes 1.620 €
6 Orléans 1.232 €
7 Le Défi Sportif Movember 861 €
8 Le Défi Universitaire Movember 241 €
9 Battle Cancer Toulouse 47 €
10 Reims 15 €

About the challenge leaderboard

A Challenge is a group made up of individuals or teams that could represent a company, organisation, industry, sports group or something else. Search here for a Challenge to join, or to create a new Challenge contact us at france@movember.com.